Friday, August 10, 2012

Homework by request.

This week we have been listening to a song a couple of students wrote about our class and school in 2010.  The students have requested they get a chance to do this also. So, given a song is just a group of short statements in prose, this task should not be too challenging.

I would suggest the following song to write to as the beats are pretty even and easy to fit words to this.


The students are allowed to choose their own tune if the like.

Here is one of the final products from 2010.

COPE song


  1. When is this due please and do they do it individually or as a class/group. Thank you.

  2. Hi, the homework is due this Friday. They can work individually or in groups. The best few songs will be recorded in the Music suite next week as part of our specialised programmes week.
