Friday, February 24, 2012

Monday 27th Feb

Hello Room 4...

A reminder that Carl from Kiwi Cricket is coming on Monday so PLEASE make sure you have your PE uniforms.

See you then.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mr Catterpillar

He grows so fast! A constant source if discussion and fascination!

In the short space of time we have had him he has grown from hardly a spec to being able to be seen from the other side of the room!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


This term we will be focusing on Transactional Writing forms. Below is a wee statement on why we think Transactional writing is an important part of our class programme.

Soon we will start working on our first written piece that will link to our "Sustainability" big idea. As we work through this you will begin to see just how powerful the focus on self/peer assessment is. Sometimes we have to work, rework and work again on a piece of writing so we can recognize quickly what the criteria requires. Good work takes TIME!

Transactional Writing: Explanation and Argument

The aim in focusing students on powerful forms of transactional writing such as explanation and argument is to achieve a better balance with narrative writing. Explanation and argument become increasingly important forms of writing as students progress through the education system and into the workforce.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Homework Week 2-4, 2012

Topic:  Friendship (Blooms Model) Homework Week 2-4
This homework should be detailed, not just surface level. 
You can present your work anyway you like. Poster, ICT, written, artistically etc. You should do your planning (draft) into your homework book.

Key Questions



Complete a Y-shaped chart on friendship, telling what it looks like, sounds like and feels like

Make a chart showing the different things you do alone, with friends and with family members

How might making a penfriend/internet friend be different from making other friends?

Describe/list and then explain some things that might make friendship change and why friendships change

Debate the following in writing: (agree or disagree -explain your view point)
It is best to only have one really close friend.
Can you create some fresh ideas or new solutions?

Create a recipe for friendship.  What are the main ingredients? Follow procedural writing technique. (ingredients,  method etc)