Thursday, February 2, 2012

Homework Week 2-4, 2012

Topic:  Friendship (Blooms Model) Homework Week 2-4
This homework should be detailed, not just surface level. 
You can present your work anyway you like. Poster, ICT, written, artistically etc. You should do your planning (draft) into your homework book.

Key Questions



Complete a Y-shaped chart on friendship, telling what it looks like, sounds like and feels like

Make a chart showing the different things you do alone, with friends and with family members

How might making a penfriend/internet friend be different from making other friends?

Describe/list and then explain some things that might make friendship change and why friendships change

Debate the following in writing: (agree or disagree -explain your view point)
It is best to only have one really close friend.
Can you create some fresh ideas or new solutions?

Create a recipe for friendship.  What are the main ingredients? Follow procedural writing technique. (ingredients,  method etc)

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